
Monday, April 16, 2007

Has It Been A Week Already?

Okay, so I may in fact be the world's worst blogger, but in my defense I couldn't log on cause they changed everything and I had to get a new google acccount and password and...yeah, yeah...excuses, excuses.

But here I am. Problem is I have both too much to say and nothing to say. So much has happened that I don't know where to start. And so I start with a simple "I'm back."

No promises to myself that I'll fail to keep, no grand statements, wise words or cool pics to post. Just a simple "here I am."

Oh and Rik, I know I'm late but the dog ate my password, can I still turn in my assignment?


  • I think you've more than redeemed yourself :) And it's your blog, for goodness sake! You can post whenever you want! But, you should know that I love reading your posts. The post about the church was very beautiful, and the square egg slideshow is worthy of a prize :)

    By Blogger Lindsay Lamar, at April 16, 2007 5:28 AM  

  • It certainly *isĀ° your blog...

    But we want MORE!!!!

    Hourly updates at least!

    Or, whenever you feel like it.

    I know how hard it is to come up with subjects, and now that I'm doing it daily I feel a real pressure to find *something* to say, and when I don't it's a real bummer.

    I also thought your post about the church was well written and understand your feelings about that event.

    Thanks for writing!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 16, 2007 7:29 AM  

  • Man, how time flies. It's hard to believe its been a week already.


    By Blogger Frank, at April 16, 2007 8:31 AM  

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